Tuesday, 22 December 2009



The age rating in our filmteaser trailer is a 15. We chose this because thetrailer will show violent objects and killings . Under the BBFC ratings its says that a film with strong language and scenes of a moderate violence should be rated at a 15. Also the actors in the film are within the age range, they are both 17 so it helps appeal to an audience of 15-24.


In our trailer the character are caucasion as this tends to be typical of the horror genre, However we have not specifically just chosen to have caucasion actors it's also due to the fact that we couldn't get the actors. If we could get actors of different ethnicity we would as it would help to widen the appeal of the trailer.


Generally a common convention of horror films is to have a male as the protagonist who comes through the evil and ends up victorious .There is a risk that we could decrease our potential as we do not have a final girl in our trailer.

Economic groupings
 I think our teaser trailer will appeal will appeal to upper middle class (C1) and lower middle class (C2) and working class (DE) groupings because horror films are not usually aimed at upper class, they normally watch period drama or films of a higher intellectual level.


Our teaser trailer will appeal to an English audience because the actors and settings are English. Horror movies usually have a heavy American influence and are generally high budget if they do. The lower budget British horrors will appeal to a more niche audience primarily because they don't have any American actors. Also on a regioal scale our trailer will appeal to a yorkshire audience as it features a famous yorkshire landmark, the Cow and Calf.

Fans of

 Fans of our trailer will probably also be fans of films like Halloween because the well known horrors were a big influence on the making of our trailer, we studied their shots as they have obviously been very successful in hope that incorporating their camera techniques will help us to get a better finished product on our horror film. Also fans of a britsh film which incorporates scary elements such as dead mans shoes by shane meadows, the film isnt a horror film but a times is very scary and we have tried to use some of its ideas and camera shots. Also another group of fans who may enjoy our trailer would be fans who enjoy movies with a twist and riddle. We didnt want our idea to be straight forward, we liked the thought of the audience guessing through as it will keep them more interested, again links can be made towards Dead Mans Shoes as it was the inspiration behind a twist ending.


Our trailer has hetrosexual actors as this seems to be more typical of the horror genre, The trailer is prodominantley male based but we will consider for example adding female characters or homosexual characters in order to widen the appeal  our trailer has.

Phychographic profile

Some one who i think would enjoy our trailer would be someone who likes gritty realism film such as "Sweet sixteen". I want to keep the trailer as real as possible and stray away from more american style big budget films with a hollywood feel. The fact that we have an extremely low budget works to our advantage in this area.

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