Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Evaluation Part 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of the ancillary texts and the main product is very effective as this is the main way to market our film and appeal to our target audience of 15-30.
Here is the poster for our film The poster consists of two separate images combined The silhouette on the right is the image which has been added to the original image. The poster is very dark and leaves much to the imagination. Due to the research into film poster i noticed that they tend to have Magazine and newspaper comments and logo's at the top of the poster, We chose the sun as it very often reviews this particular genre, also we added in the empire logo and comment as they are very established in the film industry and their reviews are highly respected. Also the main title seems to be just below them and not right at the top where i originally thought. The tag line generally goes across the centre of the poster, This tag line is done in a sans-serriff font as this is commonly used in the horror genre as it has sharp edges. At the foot of the poster is the time of release and a condensed version of the credits (billing block). Either side of the credits there is the official rating of the film and the production logo.

This is our front cover for our movie magazine. I came up with the name of the magazine "End credits" as it links in with films. Again we learnt the typical layout from the research into magazine front covers. The main title is situated just a little bit down from the top where the contents of the magazine are. Also most horror magazines have a number of small pictures usually down at the left hand side of the cast of the film the piece is centered on or the actors/actresses featured in some kind of list/countdown. The image we used was the sihllouette used in the movie poster. This is typical in many magazines with the one big main image down the centre of the page with the other text printed over the top. The issue number and date the magazine was published are just about the main title in very small writing. You can see three little strips to the left of the magazine, These are so people know the main features inside the magazine without having to open it, these are the most exciting bits used to entise the reader to purchase the magazine. As You can see there is a red colour theme used throughout the cover.

We got the idea to do this from From the empire magazine who use colour themes linking to the film the magazine features itself on. We have used red as the film is a slasher and it connotes blood. Empire was the main inspiration for research into film magazines as it is probably the most promonant a most respected movie magazine on the market.

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